
1st Hayes Scout Group is a registered charity.

Due to this, we receive funding as well as an income from membership. This along with our outgoing funds, we must have a committee who manages the organisation and makes big decisions on financial issues as well as other decisions that impact the group in its entirety through democratic votes by the committee members.

Committee Members

Chairman - Mick Avenell

Secretary - Carol Avenell

Treasury - Keith Wheeler

Members - 

The 1st Hayes Scout Group Committee meet once a month at the Scout HQ, during an evening that no sections meet and discuss topics from the previous meeting as well as topics which have been brought to the committee's attention in recent weeks.

The issues are discussed, with conclusions and decisions reached and documented in the meeting minutes - these actions are then implemented throughout the group.

Interested in Joining?

Anyone can apply to join the Committee, however the entire committee must agree to their election for them to become a part of it, and able to vote on decisions.

Any Leader of 1st Hayes Scout Group are also entitle to attend the committee meetings and vote on decisions as well, however it is not common for leaders to do so as our committee members always hold the group and its needs in their highest regards, and ensure decisions benefit the young people of 1st Hayes.

Please email us if you are interested in joining the committee

Please find attached the committee documents from various meetings.

Please note documents will only be contained on here until a new form is generated following another meeting or document release.