Moving up

As your Beaver reaches the age of 8 years old, it becomes time for them to "swim up" to the Cub Section.

The "swim up" will comprise of your Beaver attending BOTH Beaver and Cub section meetings for a total of 3 consecutive weeks. This is to allow for your Beaver to become used to, and get comfortable with Cubs and to allow for an easy transition into the newer section. 

During these 3 weeks, we will require that a Cub Scout Uniform is purchased ready for your Beaver to be invested as a Cub - which parents can attend and watch, just like beavers. Following this investiture into the Cub Section, your Beaver will not longer be a Beaver and will not be required to attend anymore Beaver meetings; marking the exciting end to their Beaver life and the thrilling start to their Cub life!

Information about Cubs, including times, uniform, etc can be found on the Cub section page of this website.

Please find below the Cub Scout starter pack which might help and provide more information.